FFFAI thanks the trade for being part of its 60 years’ journey, celebrated Foundation Day on December 2 - India Shipping News

2022-12-05 16:56:30 By : Mr. Tuya Smart

MUMBAI : The Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations in India (FFFAI) Chairman Mr Shankar Shinde conveys his sincere thanks to all the 28 Member Associations and more than 6500 members of FFFAI from across the country for their active contribution and support to the 60 years’ journey of the Federation. He also conveys his gratitude to other trade associations, chambers of commerce, logistics industry stakeholders, Customs Authority and different Ministries of the Government of India for their kind support to FFFAI during the last 60 years. FFFAI completed 60 years of its inception on December 2, 2022. This year the Foundation Day celebration programme was organised in Mumbai. The Federation will organise the Diamond Jubilee celebration programme early 2023.

“It is a proud privilege for me to thank you all on the occasion of celebrating the Foundation Day of FFFAI on December 2, 2022, completing the 60 years of its inception. At the Outset let me take this opportunity once again to congratulate each member and leaders of FFFAI for being part of this 60 years successful journey,” he said. Speaking on the occasion in presence of other OBs and EC members attended the event from across the country Mr Shinde said that FFFAI is now well recognised by the government of India as well as the society at large as a vital entity of the end-to-end logistics/supply chain industry. “Our collective wisdom, hard work and strong organisational strength of FFFAI supported by 28 Member Associations from across India have been the key forces behind the recognition through various initiatives, policy announcements, and of late, by the National Logistics Policy announced by the Government of India,” he said. Parcel Undergoing Customs Clearance

FFFAI thanks the trade for being part of its 60 years’ journey, celebrated Foundation Day on December 2 - India Shipping News

He also underscored the contribution of past leaders of FFFAI in strengthening the Federation. “I take this opportunity to convey our sincere gratitude and homage to all the past leaders of FFFAI, many of whom left us for their heavenly abode. Presently we are standing on a solid ground as our leaders have built strong pillars in institutionalising the Federation to achieve greater heights,” the FFFAI chairman added.

He pointed out that taking cue from the predecessors the present leadership of FFFAI is constantly monitoring and analysing the entire ecosystem of the logistics industry in consultation with domain experts. “Accordingly, at present our focus is to up skill the domain knowledge with effective utilisation of emerging technologies. Our training arm IIFF is leaving no stone unturned in this regard. In addition, FFFAI has strengthened its Women and Youth Wings to woo women and young entrepreneurs to this highly potential and vibrant sector,” he added..

At the same time, FFFAI is in constant dialogue with the Government, other Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce and logistics industry stakeholders for creating a collective force for this sunrise sector.

Mr Shinde further pointed out that in pursuance of its aims and objectives, the FFFAI plays a constructive role in maintaining a constant rapport with the Customs, Port Trusts, Airport Authorities, Container Corporation of India (CONCOR), Central Warehousing Corporation, Central Excise, Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), etc. to make its own contribution in the formulation of Policy and administrative measures and simplification of various procedures. For this constructive role, the Federation has been accorded official recognition and is represented on several official, semi-official forums of various central ministries like Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Civil Aviation and other Trade Bodies.

Being a national apex body of Custom Brokers, FFFAI is being invited by the Ministry of Finance to give presentation on the Union pre-budget for formulating the policy structure in direct and indirect tax. FFFAI comments are invited for the SCOPE Session, CCG meeting held by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Directorate General of Export Promotion. FFFAI is only logistic association to be part of the National Committee on Trade Facilitation which is chaired by Cabinet Secretary.

FFFAI was entrusted with execution of INSTC Project by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, and TIR Convention project through Ministry of External Affairs which was very successful.

FFFAI launched its own training and education wing in the name of Indian Institute of Freight Forwarders (IIFF) on 7th January, 2005 by the hands of Mr. Issa Baluch – President of FIATA and Mr. P. K. Srivastava – then CMD of Shipping Corporation of India. IIFF is the only institute in SAARC region to conducts Diploma course in Freight Forwarding which is approved by FIATA.

FFFAI has also strengthened its international networking and intervention in different international issues through IFCBA (International Federation of Customs Brokers Associations) and FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders). FFFAI’s outreach holding important positions provided its members an opportunity to expand their horizon with support from these International associations.

“It is evident from facts and pertinent to highlight that the recognition to FFFAI comes from the business integrity and working together with Customs department, Government of India as partners in facilitating EXIM trade. This creates a greater sense of responsibility to the Nation and Fraternity we belong to for an opportunity to serve through FFFAI Platform,” Mr Shinde pointed out.

The FFFAI Chairman appreciated the support from CBIC Team for their continued proactive initiatives to keep the logistics wheel movement through contactless, paperless online initiatives which helped a lot, the transformation from manual to digital was commendable and in true spirit of facilitation measures.

Mr Shinde highly appreciated the recent initiatives of the Government of India viz CBLMS, ‘PM Gati Shakti’, ‘LEADS Report’, LPPT, ‘Faceless Assessment’, ‘Turant Customs’, ‘SWIFT’, ‘DPD’, AEO, etc aiming towards fast cargo clearance, Ease of Doing Business and improvement of Logistics Performance Index of the country as per world standard. Sharing details on the Diamond Jubilee celebration of the Association the FFFAI Chairman informed the event will be held during early 2023. Detailed programmes would be intimated very soon, which would be a fascinating one. “On behalf of the Office Bearers and Executive Members of FFFAI I appeal to all FFFAI members to make serious efforts to make the Diamond Jubilee a historic event and FFFAI a force to be reckoned with. I also appeal to all to further strengthen the Federation by increasing its membership for the larger interest of the ex-im trade as well as logistics industry in the country,” Mr Shinde concluded.

Customs clearance of cargo at ports was handled by three kinds of people who were regulated by the customs. Dalal or “pass writer” was the oldest known category predating even the establishment of the Bombay Port Trust in 1873 and the enactment of the Customs Act in 1878. Dalals were responsible for preparing documents at the customs.The first known dalal was said to be Dosabhoy Mistry who secured a licence to transact business as far back as in 1858, the year East India Company made its exit from the country. Muccadams were another kind of people engaged in the physical handling of cargo at the docks and had no authority to process documents through Customs. The firm Curumsey Damji was said to be functioning as Muccadams around 1858. The third kind of people emerged towards the end of the eighteenth century. They were clearing agents licensed by the Sea Customs Act, 1878. They could assume the activities of both the Dalals and Muccadams and they also had the added authority of signing documents on behalf of merchants.

In 1960, with the New Custom House Agents Licensing Rules with modifications to the then existing CHA Licensing Rules 1957 were notified. A need for a joint representation to the Government and common action was felt. Accordingly a joint conference of all Clearing Agents Associations of Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Cochin, and the Karachiwala Association was held in Mumbai. It was during this meeting that it was resolved to form a federation of all the customs clearing agents association in India. On 2nd December, 1962, former Union Minister of Finance Late. Shri Morarjee Desai inaugurated the Federation of Customs Clearing Agents Associations Of India (now. Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations in India). The Bombay, Calcutta, Cochin, Jamnagar, Goa, Kandla and Bhavnagar Associations formed the Federation.

Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations in India (FFFAI) is the Apex Body and the Sole Representative of 28 Member Associations from all over India representing 6500 Custom House Agents (small & medium size organisation) employing over 1,00,000 people. In addition, organisation who are directly or indirectly connected with freight forwarding, shipping and commerce are also members of FFFAI.

The main object of FFFAI is to organise united action to protect and promote the interest of the professional in all its aspects at the national level; and for that purpose to co-ordinate the activities of the Custom House Agents’ Associations and their members; to collect and disseminate information to members on subject of common interest; to take part in conference; to help members to acquaint the authorities with their common problems, to protect and to improve the common benefits, to get redressal of legitimate grievances by all peaceful and constitutional means and procedures to exercise beneficial supervision over the clearing trade with a view to maintain a high standard of integrity and public confidence; to evolve a code of conduct of ethics for the Custom House Agents and /ormembers of the Federation.

To further its aims and objects, the Federation enrolled as an National Association Member of the FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations) and IFCBA (International Federation of Customs Brokers Associations). FFFAI Past Chairman Mr. Arvind Parikh had served as President of FIATA. Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar – FFFAI Past Chairman served as Chairman of IFCBA and present Chairman Mr. Shankar Shinde is the Managing Director of IFCBA.

In pursuance of its aims and objects, the FFFAI plays a constructive role in maintaining a constant rapport with the Customs, Port Trusts, Airport Authorities, Container Corporation of India (CONCOR), Central Warehousing Corporation, Central Excise, Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), etc. to make its own contribution in the formulation of Policy and administrative measures and simplification of various procedures, For this constructive role, the Federation has been accorded official recognition and is represented on several official, semi-official forums of various central ministries like Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Civil Aviation and other Trade Bodies.

Being a national apex body of Custom Brokers,FFFAI is being invited by the Ministry of Finance to give presentation on the Union pre-budget for formulating the policy structure in direct and indirect tax. FFFAI comments are invited for the SCOPE Session, CCG meeting held by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Directorate General of Export Promotion. FFFAI is only logistic association to be part of the National Committee on Trade Facilitation which is chaired by Cabinet Secretary.

FFFAI was entrusted with execution of INSTC Project by Ministry of Commerce& Industry, and TIR Convention project through Ministry of External Affairs which was very successful. FFFAI launched its own training and education wing in the name of Indian Institute of Freight Forwarders (IIFF) on 7th January, 2005 by the hands of Mr. Issa Baluch – President of FIATA and Mr. P. K. Srivastava – then CMD of Shipping Corporation of India. IIFF is the only institute in SAARC region to conducts Diploma course in Freight Forwarding which is approved by FIATA.

As on date FFFAI has total member strength of 2212 which includes 28 associations from major and minor ports. The Executive Committee of FFFAI consists of 109 members who are representatives of various Member Association nominated by them.

FFFAI thanks the trade for being part of its 60 years’ journey, celebrated Foundation Day on December 2 - India Shipping News

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